Wednesday, January 19, 2011

so happy!

It really doesn't matter the season, I just love my family!  This winter wonderland scene (with ginormous flakes in front ) makes me happy.  We are all smiles...and there is no one poking us with a hot stick to do so.  We just love each other; with our faults, quirks, farts and all. As I move into this new year, my number one resolution is to just love.  Love each moment, because they so quickly pass.  Love that Kate takes longer in the bathroom than the 3 of us combined.  Love that Maddy gets herself up for seminary at 5am, she is just that good.  Love that Brook works hard for us, and supports me in a way few other husband would ever do. I just want to love them better, and that is that.  Oh, and get my Masters and a teaching job.  Those two things wouldn't hurt either! <3

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