Thursday, April 28, 2011

technical difficulties

why is it always so hard to do things you really want to do?  I have so many thoughts, projects, dreams and yet I'm in spin cycle mode...literally laundry, cooking, driving, facebooking myself to distraction.  If I could have an unobstructed 10 hours a day, would I be the next JK Rowling, or Chagall, or John Muir?  Or would I wile away those extra hours on netflix like I already do, when I should be sleeping to charge up for the next days marathon of laundry, cooking, driving, facebooking?  I resolve to spend at least 1 hour a day working towards my dream project.  I'm going to do that for myself and finally commit to pursuing the 'dream' and actually make it a reality.  I'm gonna bust through those technical difficulties and see what happens...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


and poppies make this time of year my favorite.  Spring brings a ripening, a budding and a growing into something beautiful and complete.  Taking this to heart. xo

Friday, April 8, 2011


Today I finished a long term sub position at Colfax High School.  Its amazing how attached you can get to students in such a short period of time.  I really enjoyed the experience...the students were awesome!  They gave me a handmade card with all their reminded me of kindergarten.  Very sweet!  The best comment on the card was ...please don't leave, she beats us!  Ha ha.  Their regular teacher, coming back from a maternity leave, is stellar.  I hope I get a chance to work with her in the future!