Thursday, April 28, 2011

technical difficulties

why is it always so hard to do things you really want to do?  I have so many thoughts, projects, dreams and yet I'm in spin cycle mode...literally laundry, cooking, driving, facebooking myself to distraction.  If I could have an unobstructed 10 hours a day, would I be the next JK Rowling, or Chagall, or John Muir?  Or would I wile away those extra hours on netflix like I already do, when I should be sleeping to charge up for the next days marathon of laundry, cooking, driving, facebooking?  I resolve to spend at least 1 hour a day working towards my dream project.  I'm going to do that for myself and finally commit to pursuing the 'dream' and actually make it a reality.  I'm gonna bust through those technical difficulties and see what happens...

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